Monday, December 31, 2012

Why Buy the Cow? Reading Challenge 2012 Finished

Thank you Missie from The Unread Reader for hosting.

This has been a fun challenge and I think I now have tons of free books on my Kindle. Several times a week my husband will say "You have bought more books" and yes I have but the great thing is they were mostly free. I check Books on The Knob nearly every day.
Most of my free books are from Amazon but I also got a lot from Smashwords.
As expected there are a lot of books which are not great but there are also a lot of free books that have made me pay for and read more books from some of the authors.

My goal was to read 12 books for this challenge and that goal I reached with Awakening by Karice Bolton on the 31st of July. At the end of December I have now read 28 books.

My Posts are HERE
THIS is the list of the 28 books I have read.

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