Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Wacky Reading Challenges - Word Search 2015

Word Search hosted by Wacky Reading Challenges on Goodreads..

I am quite enjoying different word searches and have joined another one. I will try and take part the rest of the year.

Below is the list of words to find. They can only be found within the text of the book - no covers, titles or authors, please. For each word you find, provide the book title, page or location, and the sentence containing the word. You can use one book to find all the words, or as many as you like.

***And if you don't find all the words this month, you are welcome to carry them over to next month's word search challenge.***

Challenge Rules:
Books should be at least 125 pages. All formats are acceptable. Re-reads are fine - just be sure to re-read the entire book. When updating your challenge with books you've read, please include a link to the book title, include the author's name, and the date you finished reading the book. 

September 2015 Word Search
September 1, 2015 - September 30, 2015
This month's word search is inspired by our August Group Read: God-Shaped Hole by Tiffanie DeBartolo
Important Rule: You CANNOT use this book when looking for the words. That would be just too easy.

Optional Words: This month I have included 5 optional words that are a little harder than usual. You can choose to look for them or leave them off your list...it's up to you.  
jewelry: Assassin's Apprentice by Robin Hobb
Loc: 2422 ➨ She was not accustomed to wearing so much jewellery.

advertisement: Born in Shame by Nora Roberts
Pg: 127 ➨ Is that doing pictures for advertisements?

apartment: The Diving Pool: Three Novellas by Yoko Ogawa
Pg: 153 ➨ Everything he might need - the telephone, a box of tissues, the teapot and cups - had been brought from elsewhere in the apartment and arranged close to the bed.

notebook: Iced Under by Nadine Doolittle
Loc: 1152 ➨ The detective flipped his notebook open.

abandon (or abandonment): The Wild by Christopher Golden
Pg: 15 ➨ If he found gold, she would be able to keep her home, and to abandon the charlatanry of spiritualisme.

universe: Fire Country by David Estes
Loc: 3477 ➨ It's the most powerful force in the universe.

metaphor: Elantris by Brandon Sanderson
Loc: 4033 ➨ Perhaps he should have concentrated less on the theological metaphors of the trip, and more on keeping his mouth closed.

popcorn: Touch of the Goddess by Maria Hammarblad
Loc: 1340 ➨ It was only a few minutes until the next showing, and Maria squeezed his hand, nibbled popcorn, and looked around with wide eyes.

film: The Iron Traitor by Julie Kagawa
Pg: 226 ➨ An old bed stood in the corner next to a dresser, both rotting to pieces under a film of dust.

possibility: Lady Falls by Renee Bernard
Loc: 1692 ➨ He stopped kissing her to lift his head, taking in the widening of her eyes, the flutter of her lashes in shock and the slow shift as a new heated possibility came to her.

vibe: A Cottage by the Sea by Carole Matthews
Loc: 2514 ➨ The good-mood vibe has seeped away and there's a tension round the table that's palpable.
intense: Bound by C.K. Bryant
Loc: 1692 ➨ The air grew thick and once again a bright light flashed, so intense that closing her eyelids barely made a difference.

apology: Rasmus - Tales of a Utah Cowboy by Jay Anderson and Beth M. Stephenson
Loc: 1052 ➨ Jim sweeps his hat off his head and says to the fellow, My conscience got the best of me, sir, please accept my apology.

father: Ship of Destiny by Robin Hobb
Loc: 612 ➨ My father gets angry with me for even speaking of Malta.

true love (must be together): Divorced, Desperate and Delicious by Christie Craig
Loc: 3918 ➨ I knew your dad only five days when we got married, and he was the true love of my life.

Optional Words

fortune-teller (with or without hyphen)

sushi: Fire at Twilight by Lila Ashe
Loc: 428 ➨ It was a day off for me, and there's a sushi place we like there, so I went along for the ride, thinking I'd get a good laugh and some great baked scallop nigiri.


Los Angeles: A Hidden Fire by Elizabeth Hunter
Loc: 742 ➨ Accepted to the graduate program in Information Studies at the University of California, Los Angeles.

October 2015 Word Search
October 1, 2015 - October 31, 2015
This month's word search is inspired by our September Group Read: The Silence of Bonaventure Arrow by Rita Leganski.
Important Rule: You CANNOT use this book when looking for the words. That would be just too easy. 


forgiveness: 204 Rosewood Lane by Debbie Macomber
Loc: 2091➜  I offered my forgiveness, too.

haunting: Prophecy of the Female Warrior by K.A. Young
Loc: 183 ➜ I could barely make out his eyes, yet they were haunting to me - they held my gaze so strongly that I had a hard time looking away.
heartbeat: What Once Was Perfect by Zoe York
Loc: 2331 ➜ His heartbeat was slow and strong, as always.

listen: A man called Ove by Fredrik Backman
Pg: 24 ➜   Du hører aldrig efter. (Pg: 24 ➜  You never listen.)


peace: Carved in Stone by Donna McDonald
Loc: 2730 ➜ That left all Saturday evening and the whole next day for Michael to enjoy the peace and quiet of having his house all to himself.


ritual: Poisoned by Elaine Macko
Loc: 3277 ➜ The second stop was my house, where the ritual got repeated, and then home to finish off in their neighborhood.

rocking chair (must be together): 204 Rosewood Lane by Debbie Macomber
Loc: 3682➜  Olivia smiled, to find her ex-husband sitting in her rocking chair with their granddaughter in his arms.

root: Don't Waste a Minute - A Story of Africa by Marilyn Randall
Loc: 1597 ➨ What sort of root problems?

secrets: I'll Be Watching You by Charles de Lint 
Pg: 47➜  He'd always had secrets.

silence: We Have Always Lived in the Castle by Shirley Jackson
Pg: 13 ➜  There was a little silence.
sparrow: I'll Be Watching You by Charles de Lint
Pg: 231➜  He touched a finger to the edge of one of the sparrow paintings.

vengeance: 204 Rosewood Lane by Debbie Macomber
Loc: 4000➜  Is it some sort of male pride? Or vengeance?

Optional Words
asylum: I'll Be Watching You by Charles de Lint
Pg: 145➜  In Victorian times, we had the proliferation of women's diseases that kept us in our beds or in asylums.


kindred spirit (must be together)

matchbook: The Menagerie by Tui T. Sutherland and Kari Sutherland
Pg: 198 ➜ He was about to light a match when a family came out of the woods nearby, and he had to quickly hide the matchbook in his hand.


Optional Words carried over from September:
bohemian: I'll Be Watching You by Charles de Lint
Pg: 145➜  The patio overlooked the river and was filled with a bohemian lunchtime crowd.

fortune-teller (with or without hyphen)


November 2015 Word Search

Memories of the Blue Door by Neil Davis
Loc 1273 ➜ Wayne was, of course, also brilliant at everything. 

Fate's Edge by Ilona Andrews 
pg 177➜ A woman so refined, so delicate, should be shielded from the rigor of the world, so they don't bruise her.

Life's a Witch by Amanda M. Lee 
Loc: 47➜  She was a bully, but Tillie was a bigger bully. 

I Need a Hero by Emma Bennet
Loc: 660 ➜  She was desperate to get out of the house and Ca,illa kindly picked her up and drove them to their writing group

glasses (won't accept glass)
Love, Laughter, and Murder Ever After by Jeanine Spooner  
Loc: 1476➜ revealing a stalky, bald man, whose glasses seemed to swallow his otherwise pinched face. 

The Dream Thieves by Maggie Stiefvater   
pg 132➜  his headphones still around his neck.

The Thirteenth Tale by Diane Setterfield
Pg 429➜ The hospital, Opening the ambulance doors.

Fate's Edge by Ilona Andrews  
pg 371➜ The house perched on the green lawn next to a lovely lake.

Christmas at Carol's by Nicola Yeager
Loc: 1827 ➜  accompanied by an equally tall designer-suited blond dude with his hair in a ponytail and a piratical earring in one ear.

I Need a Hero by Emma Bennet 
Loc: 1349 ➜  Fancy a pub lunch?

Opening Hearts by Iona Findley
Loc: 72 ➜ but she wondered if she had enough energy to head to the deli on the corner for a takeout sandwich.

Christmas at Carol's by Nicola Yeager
Loc: 2152 ➜  He was having problems mastering two pieces of new software that the company had bought.

Murder Half-Baked by Kathleen Delaney 
Loc: 3922 ➜  I'd just lug the box into the bedroom and stash it with all the rest of the stuff.
Uprooted by Naomi Novik
pg 322➜ An old man in a much-decorated uniform sank heavily into a chair on the other side,

Fate's Edge by Ilona Andrews
pg 170➜ He had the kind of face that would make him a good vacuum salesman or a succesful serial killer:

Optional Words
I Need a Hero by Emma Bennet
Loc: 2658 ➜ Bronte dragged her duvet downstairs onto the sofa.


The Thirteenth Tale by Diane Setterfield
Pg 8➜ No sparkle, no sequins, just a few dull and frayed patched,  

stock market (must be together)

Words carried over from October:

Uprooted by Naomi Novik
pg 238➜ and only an ordinary oil lamp stood set in a rough niche in the wall. 

Optional Words carried over from October:

kindred spirit
Memory & Dream by Charles de Lint
pg 85 ➜ She met more kindred spirits in her first two weeks living there than she had in the whole nineteen years of her life up to that point.


Optional Words carried over from September:
fortune-teller (with or without hyphen)

I Need a Hero by Emma Bennet
Loc: 2614 ➜ He's your soulmate?

December 2015 Word Search:

Last Christmas by Lily Greene
Loc: 2225 ➜ She listened to Christmas Carols that were playing on the radio.
Steel's Edge by Ilona Andrews
Pg. 263➜  She wasn't expected to dance but once or twice, but Sophie would enjoy it.
Steel's Edge by Ilona Andrews
Pg. 322➜  Angelia bent over the sink, weeping like a hysterical dove.

Lost & Found in India by Braja Sorensen
Loc: 1222 ➜ There's usually a lot of big bass drum beats there,

Mattie: The Story of an Australian Convict Child by Sheila Hunter
Loc: 2501 ➜ there were a number of french windows opening out onto the verandah,

Deathly Still by Elizabeth A. Reeves
Loc: 1574 ➜ You were four years old?
STRANGERS by Chirag Upadhyay
Loc: 138 ➜ Give me your green gold.

Terra Incognita: Travels In Antarctica by Sara Wheeler
Pg. 50 ➜  It hadn't worked out as planned, and I got the feeling she was back laying ghosts to rest.

Mattie: The Story of an Australian Convict Child by Sheila Hunter 
Loc: 275 ➜ Dear Lord, may we stay together?  
Royal Assassin by Robin Hobb
Pg. 14➜ Lady Patience and her maid Lacey

City of Ashes by Cassandra Clare
Pg. 31➜ When he broke her arm in ninth grade, she ran away from home,

Sweep in Peace by Ilona Andrews
Loc: 2611 ➜ half-hidden by the enormous prickly pear the Hendersons refused to trim, 

Assassin's Quest by Robin Hobb
Pg. 89 ➜ apparently watching me as his two partners discussed some problem they were having with a pipe.

City of Ashes by Cassandra Clare
Pg. 387➜ Because they can swim?

Steel's Edge by Ilona Andrews
Pg. 20 ➜ So far you've shot your own dog and wasted twelve bullets.

*No variations accepted for these this month.

Words carried over from previous months
stock market (must be together)

Terra Incognita: Travels In Antarctica by Sara Wheeler
Pg. 80 ➜  Two of the sleeping bags were proclaimed beyond redemption and tossed overboard,
Mattie: The Story of an Australian Convict Child by Sheila Hunter 

Terra Incognita: Travels In Antarctica by Sara Wheeler
Pg. 186 ➜  It was pointing to the stone steps which led to the crypt.


fortune-teller (with or without hyphen)
Fool's Errand by Robin Hobb
Loc: 3646 ➜ I'd seen them used by fortune-tellers in Chalcedean towns.

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